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Although they have good bases, the possibility that the country will achieve carbon neutrality in 2021 will be very difficult.
This was confirmed by Todd Frank, corporate manager of SCS (Scientific Certification Systems), one of the most renowned firms in certification and validation of processes designed to declare a company or institution, or country, has neutralized contaminants. Why should be a process of verification of the certification of carbon neutrality? In today's world, no matter how good is an effort; if no certification body to verify that was done well, it does not count. And in what may affect that verification does not? For a process that is not verified by a recognized body, can not be promoted or may promote products coming from him. Could anyone say that their carbon footprint is certified, although this was true? Sure. It has already been given. And the weight of the consequences has even caused significant losses for businesses and the reputation of those who lied. How far Costa Rica to achieve that certification? The bases are very solid, but there is plenty to do. Is not gonna be easy, or difficult to reach that goal? It will be difficult. What could be done to reach the goal? While we have verified that large corporations reach their emission balance, we are talking about a country. Costa Rica is a small country, but there are many elements to consider. If it were offered, would take the reins of this process? Ugh! That's not an easy question. But if our company is reaching the country's first, is because we believe there are good opportunities to achieve the goal; perhaps not in the proposed date, but are on track. Should the date be delayed? I think that is a factor that should effectively checked. Why ... because it is unreal? In this process of certifying or entity as carbononeutral, credibility is very important. In those terms, it is best to go ahead and stake out a date, to have very tight deadlines to comply. In other countries fine those who do not meet a standard of neutrality, it should be that in Costa Rica? I do not think that fines be first . Before, it should be assessed educate people and raise awareness among employers of the benefits they would receive if they add to the process. When could be the benefits of the country to achieve neutrality in emissions? That's hard to say. It's not the same to say that a company is carbononeutral, to say that their products are. Are two totally different things. Ernesto Villalobos [email protected] - See more at:
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